Entertainment StoriesA profound lesson in respectSameer RawalDecember 24, 2020March 16, 2021 by Sameer RawalDecember 24, 2020March 16, 2021603 It happened five years ago when I had just passed out of engineering college. I was lucky enough to land a job in a big company just after my first or second interview. I worked for six months at their Gurugram office and then I...
StoriesShe loves meSameer RawalOctober 23, 2020December 10, 2020 by Sameer RawalOctober 23, 2020December 10, 20201105 So here I am, the morning of the 31st of March, in my own bedroom. Devika is sleeping right here beside me and I don’t know what to make of it. The situation is indeed problematic; if I were any younger, I could have managed,...
StoriesLooking out of the windowUdit KumarJune 1, 2020July 9, 2020 by Udit KumarJune 1, 2020July 9, 2020244 THE BEST means OF THE OUTSIDE World’s spectacle FROM A HEIGHT IS WINDOW. THE REAL MEANING OF THE WINDOW CAN BE learnt FROM OUR ELDERS, BUT IF OUR CHILDREN ASK US “WHAT DOES WINDOW REALLY SIGNIFY?” I WILL HAVE ONLY ONE ANSWER, “IT IS USED...
StoriesDate : 29/03/3002Udit KumarMarch 30, 2020August 24, 2020 by Udit KumarMarch 30, 2020August 24, 2020155 What!! Yes, you all read it correct, this is the current date and I am, with my family, living in a isolated place, as dangerous virus in our environment compelled us to live in a quarantined environment for last 2 years. Yes… 2 years, long...