Education Engineering

Engineers Day – An open letter to Engineers

All the Engineers of the Country!! Wake-up. How can we dare to underestimate you?

Whenever the train passes through a dark tunnel, we don’t jump from the train because of fear but we trust the engineer and sit calm.

Dear Engineers,

How much would you bear? Why? And from whom? Every year there are reports to dismiss you. You are told that Engineering Graduates are not worthy of employment. How can anyone say that? No work in the world can be completed without engineering. Even then, you are made to believe that there is no need for you. How could this happen? Many things are being told and assumed for you. Since they are factual, one must agree. Otherwise, these facts are humiliating for you, for all the engineers out there.

Since childhood, we are told that whatever is made in the world is engineering because everything is made of design and design is ‘Engineering.’ An airplane can be made only if the design is made. Whether it is an election or public calculation, the count will be true only when an engineer gives physical shape to mathematics. Electricity, water, road, social media- all have engineering.

Still, there is no place for you?

Either you do not get a job, or you are forced to do some work far below your technical qualification. A few years back, someone gathered information about how everything changed for the engineers in 10 years. Thousands of engineering colleges were set up by the boom of the IT sector. It feels terrible when people say that engineering colleges have grown up like mushrooms. And then they treat you like you are not worthy. Every year around 15 Lacs Engineers are graduating in India. This Number is a lot more than the total Engineers made by China and America combined. Who will give jobs to these many Engineers? 

BUT these are just facts. The amount of work that is being done in our country is not being done anywhere else. Then, what is your fault? The point is that you don’t feel the zeal of engineering. You won’t agree but this is the truth. Why is there no significant innovation coming from India these days? We have never built a uniquely designed flyover, bullet train, aircraft? Remember the engineers who built the Bombay-High? Now their name got vanished from our minds. 

Did our computer engineers, software engineers, who stunned the entire Silicon Valley, end up raising billions of dollars for America? TCS, Infosys, Cognizant, Wipro, Tech Mahindra – our youth does not want to go anywhere other than these giants? Don’t they want to do something new? Why are they doing this despite being so talented? Yes, dear engineers, no one doubts your talent, but we question you being Employable.

Why don’t you start living engineering? Throw out the word “improvement” from your life. Adopt the word “change.” Engineers are made for change.

You must be thinking that these things are only good to say. Life collapses in the pits of placements. You feel that the placement is your need, but the Company needs you too. Don’t think of the placement. Even the IITians don’t get the 100% placement. DO you believe that an IITian can be unemployable? No, but it has happened many times. Whose fault is that? IIT? Students? Someone needs to take the blame. Someone must accept his mistake.

If engineers continue to degrade their engineering – why would outsiders consider them worthy? If you had given importance to struggle, you would never have shown so much haste to pursue an MBA with so much enthusiasm. If the IT and manufacturing sectors are reducing vacancies, does all your knowledge and skills go in vain? NO. You must bring respect to engineering back. Leonardo-da-Vinci once said- “The foot of the man on which he stands is the ‘masterpiece’ of engineering – in which art is mixed.”

Show some passion. Bring back the enthusiasm.  

I am sure that engineers will get up with a lot of passion and zeal – It may be difficult, but you have to. It would be best if you were shaken up. 

Remember the old idiom that says that Science finds the things which were already in existence, but the Engineering creates the things which never existed. 

Even You were not present until yesterday. Build!!

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