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In my life, I am seldom alone. I am alone when I go to sleep. I am alone when I get up in the morning. During my sleep, I am plying with my thoughts and my thoughts are playing with me. In between my thoughts, there are positivity and negativity showering one by one and I am unable to absorb these fairy tales and get up without completing my chain of thoughts.

Why I am telling all these things to you is very much related to my reflections of life which is very much subjected to my judgments which occasionally affect my thought process.

Now coming to my today’s topic I want to emphasise need of judging yourself in isolation.

It is human nature that we occasionally in the habit of judging our self in context of others achievements and make us sad, because we start comparing our life with others

Our success and achievements are very much subjective. Our achievements are our own creation and our failures are our own makeover. In both the cases nobody can be compared. Our cup of tea cannot be claimed or owned by someone else.

Therefore I specifically want to mention here that never ever judge yourself in crowd but always in isolation. you are an independent entity and unique identity. It cannot be replicated in any form. And therefore cannot be compared with anybody anywhere.

It is very soothing to think that you are judging yourself in isolation. Your achievements and failures are your own. You know well your strengths and weaknesses. You know very well how to correct yourself on the front where you are unable to succeed. You know well how to handle the issues which are affecting your positive energies. You know well how to handle situations which are continuously chasing you like nightmare and pulling you back in fighting against the odds.

But I am very much sure if you are judging yourself in the group you will be affected by other personalities which have no relevance as far as your life is concerned.

My emphasis on judging your life in isolation is based on the need of keeping yourself positive and enthusiastic in every situation and refrain from any type of comparison with others
