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First experience on lockdown

Corona the modern-day evil for aware people but an unknown Chinese buddy for others, It reminds me of a Hollywood movie called “I am Legend” by Will Smith, where entire population died due to a Virus. People must watch this movie then they will understand the seriousness of this Evil-19.

Well, I am a newly appointed employee in an MNC just after my graduation. In the beginning, I was very happy about the holidays announced by our PM, but when I heard about the 21 days lock down I was a bit worried; suddenly my mind was attacked by some genuine questions like: How will I pay the rent? How will I give my education loan installment? How will I and my family manage to survive without money and daily essential things?

On the very next day, I got a call from my office to do work from home, but for how long; they don’t know! Here half of my problems are solved for the above questions, also I got a call from my Health Insurance company that my medical insurance is not insured for newly COVID-19 and I need to pay some extra premium to include COVID-19 in my health insurance.

Also, I can see some big companies are increasing the price of hand sanitizer etc., and some small vendors are trying to get more profit from consumer products. I was very angry with their decision, as they are making profit all the time from Indian customers but when the time comes to re-pay they are increasing the price. They must think something beyond business. They can earn more profit afterward. Right now they should help people by decrease the prices at this hard time. Just contrast of this scenario, people are making fake sanitizers! Sometimes I feel humanity lost its existence in this world.

Later on this decision, our country comes with another problem of migrating laborers to their respective places all over India. From their point of view, they don’t have another option but by doing this they are even helping this Evil-19 by spreading this into the entire country. From my point of view, as our country is shortening for hospitals, ventilators, test centers, masks, delivery partners, etc. The workers can help our nation in making hospitals, masks, test centers and can provide delivery door to door for essential items so that no one can step out of there houses and they can earn for their survival as well; even at this time police, doctors, nurses and people from essential services are trying very hard to fight with this Evil-19. We will never forget the contribution of these real Heroes.

Chinese bureaucrats are calling this an American virus and all the world calling it a Chinese virus, I call this Evil-19. All are playing the blame game, even China refuses to help other nations though they have almost controlled this evil.

It’s a global recession and this is one of the major but sad event of this century, people are losing jobs. In America, the unemployment rate increases to the highest of this decade. All the stock markets around the globe are bleeding high. Sometimes I think it’s the nature call, maybe nature wants to heal itself. But for humanity, it’s a hard time and a lesson too, we must learn at least some hygiene rules from this event!

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