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How to deal with Depression during lockdown?

As the number of positive cases of coronavirus affected patients is rising steeply, more people are practicing social distancing and self-isolation. The public is restricting themselves from going out or mingle with people, to curb the spread of the virus.

The global pandemic COVID-19 has affected each of our lives, not just physically but also psychologically. The constant news that keeps coming is horrifying and can toll on your mental health. 

It is obvious to develop mental-issues if you continue to stay isolated for a long time with limited human contact. The feeling of depression includes the feeling of being alone, frustrated, and anxious. For those who infected by this virus, quarantine period and indefinite isolation lead them to some more severe impact on their mind.

Though the present crisis demands you to be in this scenario, but you need to be stayed healthy as well as mentally fit. Here, in this article, you will get to know a few tips to energize your mind and channelize your energy towards developing a positive outlook.


Why lockdown is affecting your mental state

It is not just the disease that is scaring people; lots of other life challenges are also stressful to handle. Many people lost their jobs who used to work in pubs, restaurants, and hotels. Many business people are facing tremendous monetary loss as the business activities were stopped due to lockdown. 

Many of you are worried about your loved ones as they are stuck in different cities or towns and unable to return to the home. Some of you are dealing with some other disease but unable to contact your doctor for check-ups or treatments.

Then, there is the barrel of bad news popping all over social media. All these are sufficient to bring an ocean of depression in your lives. The level of stress and despair is high to increase mental health problems. 


Tips to support your mental health

1. Start caring about yourself

This lockdown is high time to start practicing self-care. The lockdown may lead to irregular meal timings, late-night movies, roaming the entire day in pyjamas, and irregular sleep.

Spending time on self-care is a mental boost. So, try to incorporate healthy habits. If you get up to wash your face clean and spend some time grooming yourselves, you will feel way better.

2. Reconstruct your lockdown outlook

The initial feeling for lockdown is that you are stuck at home. It is the first step to change that feeling to a new constructive one. Try thinking a better positive outlook for it. Focus on the fact that you got enough time for your home and yourself. 

The feeling of being trapped and stuck can only increase your stress hormones. You can try one new thing every day. Start organizing your bookshelves or cupboards. This is the ideal time to slow down and focus on your internal feelings.

3. Stick to your normal routine

Although you are engaged with the mandated work-from-home schedule, try to stick to your older pre-quarantine routine. The family with children can easily stick to the routine, but those who are staying alone might struggle to accomplish. A lazy lifestyle brings depression and negative thoughts.

Continue your previous routine of doing household work on time, completing laundry work on weekends, etc. The same routine will also help you to jump back with ease after the lockdown ends.

4. Refrain yourself from extensive COVID-19 coverage

We all know staying updated all the time is a vital thing. But right now, just relax and breathe. There is no need to obsess over endless COVID-19 coverage. The social media, news channels, newspapers, and all news websites are flooding with coronavirus news updates. And, mostly, they are upsetting and saddening.

You should realize that most of these news feeds are dramatized to make it sensational. Recognize that these are intensified and anxiety-provoking. Limit yourself to keep an eye on this news only during your morning and evening tea-time.

5. Connect with your friends and family virtually

Have you wondered for how long you haven’t spoken to your old school pals? Use this lockdown period to connect with your family and friends who are staying far away. An awesome chat with your friends will uplift your mood. 

All these years, you came to know that instead of connecting virtually, try to connect physically. But now, the time is meant for virtual connection only. Celebrate birthdays over video calls, catch-up for coffee over Instagram live, or simply gossip over WhatsApp.

6. Keep your home organized and clean

An unorganized and chaotic home can create chaos in your mind too. There are a lot of uncertainties going on outside the world; let yourself set mental zones to organize and clean the inside of your house. Try to set up things properly with concentration. These will act as mind exercises to unclutter your mind. 

How to fight loneliness

Now, the degree of isolation is divided into two categories. Some people are suspected of coronavirus, along with their family, which is a category. While people who are shielded because of any terminal disease or organ transplanted recently or pregnant ladies with heart ailments, etc. fall in the other category. These people face the extreme level of loneliness. If you are one of them, try to manage yourself with these tips to combat this mental health problem.

1. Start a hobby or a new quarantine habit

Utilize this time to start a new hobby like gardening, singing, baking, cooking, or playing any instrument. Learn it using the internet and keep exploring. Develop a new quarantine habit like writing a journal or diary daily. You can also jot down your pleasurable memories. 

Try learning a new language or spend a great deal of time reading thoughtful books. This kind of initiative will help you pass the time, and you can also acquire a sense of achievement.

2. Physical exercise

Try some easy and simple physical exercises appropriate for your age and abilities. Plenty of yoga or exercise videos are available over the internet. Play music while exercising. It will boost your mood and you will feel relaxed. If you have a personal garden, use it for walking or freehand exercises.

3. Try to distract yourself

Whenever you are feeling low, try to distract yourself. Write down your thoughts, feelings, and fears on paper to release it. You can also try home-based activities like painting or crafting to distract from the negative thoughts.

4. Reach out for help if you are finding it difficult to manage

Always remember, it is never late to ask for help. If you are finding it challenging to manage your anxiety issues, call up for help. You can call your friends, relatives, or your family doctor who can guide you for further progression. 

You are now well-versed with how to support your mental health and build yourself a healthy individual. Start your day with one positive thought and start living in the present instead of worrying about your future.

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