Kids Parenting

Safety rules in the school you should teach your children

Kids are the most precious gift from God to parents. When parents send their kids to school for the first time, they feel scared thinking of their safety and security. The responsibility comes to the school and the parents as well to teach their children these safety rules for school.

As a parent, you would want to stay around your kid always to protect and take care. But that is impossible, so instead of worrying, make sure that your child knows how to protect themselves. 

Although the school authorities will take the utmost care of all the children present in school, it is vital to teaching your kid some basic safety rules at school.

For a kid’s well-being, you have to teach a few safety guidelines. In this way, your kid will be ready with some necessary safety steps in case of emergencies.

Safety rules in school

When you are talking about safety rules for kids, there are several hazardous activities like accidents, transportation hazards, sexual harassment, kidnapping, etc. and children need to stay safe from all these threats.

It is necessary to check the safety measures taken by the school before educating your child about safety. Check whether the school has taken adequate safety measures.

  • CCTV cameras need to be installed in the campus
  • Safe and transparent school bus transportation
  • Medical facilities present in school
  • Efficient and proper visitor management system
  • Proper monitoring of places like toilets, washrooms, etc.
  • Background verification of all staffs and teachers
  • Fire safety in school
  • Other necessary measures related to child’s allergies, health condition awareness.

Following are the safety rules in the school that you should teach your kids:

1. Let your kid memorize the address and contact details of parents

Your kid must be aware of her full name, address, and contact numbers of parents. Be assured that your child can memorize these details. Also, ensure that the school has the emergency contact number of your house, office, and cell phone. You should also teach your child whom to contact at the time of emergency. 

2. Teach your kid to avoid eating anything offered by a stranger

This is the most crucial knowledge that you impart to your kids from a very early age. Teach them to be cautious of strangers and never to accept anything from them. They should never go anywhere if a stranger asks them to come.

Tell them that if any stranger approaches them for asking directions or offering candies, they should immediately walk away. Kids should try to understand the gut instinct and practice how to identify potential dangers.

safety guidelines for kids

3. Kids should not come out of the school gate or climb the fence

Teach your child to be more alert and vigilant while playing in the School Park or ground. Children often lose their sense of space and time while playing. They should not come out of the school gate alone or try to climb the fence of the school building.

In the case of school trips, you should be aware of the place they are visiting. Also, keep knowledge of the persons or teachers taking them to the trip.

4. Nobody is allowed to touch your child’s body

This is one of the most vital safety rules that you should teach your child when she can understand the basics. From a very young age, teach them about good touch and bad touch. Teach your kid that nobody is allowed to touch your kid’s body except mother and sometimes father. 

If anybody else is inappropriately touching your kid, tell them to shout and ask for help. They should immediately alert people around.

5. If lost, what to do

Teach your kid to stay where they are if lost by any chance. Tell them to ask for help from any friend’s mother. Teach your kids not to cross main roads with a heavy flow of vehicles alone.

6. If the kid is uncomfortable doing something, tell them not to attempt

This is a basic rule that you can teach your kid at the age of three years onwards. Tell them not to attempt any deed that she is not comfortable doing it, no matter how many friends are doing it. It can be as simple as changing clothes in front of others or diving in the school swimming pool.

Always try to be non-judgemental while talking to your kid. Keep your conversations open so that the child feels comfortable to let you know everything is happening in school. This way, you can keep track of the things going in her life at school.

7. They should know the emergency protocols

Most of the time, the school takes drills for emergency response protocols like fire drills or earthquake drills to evacuate with ease. Teach your child to be attentive and alert during these drills to learn the processes easily. They will remain calm and would not panic if they learn the steps.

8. Ask for medical help if needed

It is a good idea to ask for medical help if your child feels any discomfort in the body. Teach them to tell the class teacher about any health condition instead of hiding or ignoring. Often children get scared to open up in front of the teacher when they are not feeling well. Tell them to be brave and ask for any help required.

9. Not to hide anything from parents

Be your child’s friend so that the kid can express anything and everything that is making her feel uncomfortable. Speak to them and explain that no topic is off-limits. Teach them that talking on the issue will help them to resolve faster.

The child should not tolerate bullying. Let your child learn how to stand against bullying. Teach her to speak out against any odd and not to succumb to bullying. If any such incident happens at school, ask your child to tell you in detail.

safety rules in school

They should not keep any secrets from parents or hide anything that is making them upset. Check whether your child is feeling withdrawn or not sleeping or eating properly. If you find that your child is distressed, talk to the school authorities or any health expert to help.

10. Few basic safety rules on school

You usually teach your kid a few necessary rules to be safe both inside and outside the house. These basic rules are like not to play or experiment with fire or any sharp objects to prevent accidents. Teach them to be aware and careful beside electrical wires. They should not go to the swimming pool without adult supervision. The kid must be aware of basic road safety rules.

These 10 safety rules in school will help your child to be safe in most of the situations. Try to teach your kids in an age-appropriate language and manner. The school will teach your kid the most common ones, like walking in a line, not to push anybody, and other safety rules followed in the school playground or school bus. So, worry less and let them enjoy their childhood.

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